Thursday, August 28, 2008

Presidential Celebrity Names



Sunday, August 24, 2008

Free vs. Paid Online Dating

I'm a nerd on a budget. I try my best not to pay full price if I can help it. Don't shop without a plan! Every nerd knows that! The same holds true with dating, in my opinion. I REFUSE to pay money to exchange emails. Just doesn't make for good nerdsense.

From what I can tell, there seems to be a battle going on between pay and free dating sites. The pay sites can obviously put money into an advertising budget. They want to convince you that if you spend the money, you'll yield a better dating pool. They say folks who pay to date are more serious than us nerds who still believe in the internet as open access to the masses, social networking and all that.

In the spirit of my favorite white girl Kathy Griffin, I say, "Suck it, Leaches!" You'll never get my 3-digit code! Although my Apathy/Curiosity Meter tips slightly on the Curious side to see if there's any merit to what the e-har.mony (no link love here) sites of the world claim, to pay for dating is antithetical (big words are sexy) in my nerd-world.

Consider this; YOU still have to write your profile, YOU still have to delimit your search, YOU still have to read and sort your email, YOU still have to take time to manage your online dating. So, um, why would you pay a company to allow you to do all the work you would do if you were on a free site?

Free vs. pay online dating is a topic worth revisiting. Let's discuss, shall we? Stay tuned for the next episode...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Crisp, Clean and Stain-free

"...its too bad you won't let me talk and get to know you; I would have loved it. I wish you all the best and if you ever change your mind remember me."

Have you ever sent a message like this one? Or been the recipient of one? I can say yes to both questions. I've sent oodles of flirts, winks, grins, kisses and even a few check-this-box-if-you-like-me notes, only to receive nothing in response. And while I can only assume the objects of my desire must have been under some evil magician's spell and were physically restrained from responding to my flirty invitation, I was mildly annoyed by the lack of response.

One reason I choose to online date is because I don't have much time in my schedule to go out. Actually, I don't care to meet men "at the club" anymore, but that's for another post. Since I consider my time valuable, I try to treat other people's time as valuable too.

I respond to (almost) every message/teddy bear/heart/champagne flute I receive. Why? Closure. Crisp, clean and stain-free. If a man takes 10 seconds to type a poorly spelled 250 word sentence, the least I can do is let him know I'm not interested. That way, he can be free to "keep it real for the ladys out there."

I get my share of not interesteds too. Ok, not really. But I don't ever expect not to. You're setting yourself up for a frustrating time if you have alot invested each time you send or receive a message. Just go with the flow. Be clear and honest about what does and does not work for you. Mixed and loaded messages just make it more difficult and create drama. Besides, good manners are sexy.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Lists are sexy.

Gawd, I love a list. Lists rock. They rule. Some can even roll. Lists are quick and easy ways to know and track all the who-whats-whens-wheres-whys-hows. Writing your profile is alot like making a list of yourself; what are you about, who are you looking for, etc.

I make lists all day. Even my lists have lists. My grocery lists contains my taxables and fresh veggies list. I usually keep two or three notepads by my desk so I can jot down ideas that usually have nothing to do with whatever I'm supposed to be doing.

I keep a list of things I want to accomplish on 43 Things. I like this site because you can find out who else is interested in the same things, and you can find some great ideas on goals you may have never thought of before.

Thought I'd post a few of them here. I used some of them to help me write my profiles. Here's 10 to be exact. Why 10? Figure it out.

Jack was right!

Confidence IS sexy in a man! Remember Jack Palance? A confident man outshines all day long, hands down. Don't believe me? The next time you see an unattractive, broke, poorly dressed man with a woman, check out how he carries himself. I'm a woman and I know. Whenever I catch a whiff of self-doubt or low self-esteem in a man, I'm outta there. Men who lack confidence in themselves weave webs of deception, pity and manipulation. And once you get tangled in their spidery lairs, good luck getting out.

I recently joined an online dating site (I'll tell you about it later). The first message I received was from a LSES (low self-esteem spider). Two sentences into his message and I was turned off. And slightly angry he thought he could lure me into his pity party. I'm probably coming off as a snob, but so be it. LSESs suck! Here's a bit of what he said:

"I don't know if I fit into your idea of an attractive man, but if I do, I would like very much to talk to you sometime to find out if we would be compatible for long term."

I bet you're thinking, what's wrong with that? That doesn't sound so bad. Nuh-uh. You're on the slow bus. Allow me to decode the message for you.

1. Your first 10 words should never contain a negative. Right off the rip he says, "I don't know..." It wouldn't matter what you put after that; you've placed yourself in a corner. It's obvious you don't know...WE don't know anything about one another. Step it up.

2. Don't assume what I value. His second mistake is assuming attractiveness is most important. In addition, this implies he believes he is unattractive. This smacks of low-self-esteem. What he should have done was not address his attractiveness at all. Let me be the judge. It might have helped if he would have bothered to take a picture that didn't include a reflection of the flash in the mirror he used to take the photo, but whatev. His profile goes on to say,

"Do you care about more than just money or good looks? Do you like a guy who actually pays attention to you? If you answered yes to these questions, then you owe it to yourself to talk to me. "

Yuck. Hose me down pulease!! Using tired sales tricks (getting a customer to say yes three or more times in a row) to get a date is a way of life for LSESs. These statements are dripping with sarcasm, bitterness and just a dash of misogyny.

How did I respond to the eensy weensy spiderman? "Thank you for your interest, but it's clear to me we have nothing in common." Scram! I want a nerd, not a dork!

Thursday, August 21, 2008


must take matters into my own hands. have been in Smalltown for over two years, and have yet to meet potential nerd beau. clearly drastic measures must be called into play. time to devise strategy:

1. Sign-up on(free) dating sites.
2. Register for local meet-ups.
3. Maintain online calendar of nerd-scouting events (NSE) to ensure maximum synchronicity.
4. Continue daily exercise regimen.
5. Procure ample gum supply (to ensure fresh breath at all times).
6. Evaluate and rank (NSE) to weed out fake/poser gatherings.
7. Obtain recent photos and place online.
8. Complete online web presence in multiple locations.
9. Increase volume of blog postings/comments on nerds' websites.
10. Draft pre-screening nerd questionnaire.
11. When in public, always be on nerd alert.


Bye Mom.

Peggy Lewis Page December 29, 1942 - April 25, 2014 My loving mother I'm at work typing this now. I can't be sad, at least...