Thursday, August 25, 2011


Lately I've been paying a little more attention to my routines. Let me share my after work routine. I walk home, wash dishes, change clothes, use the bathroom (not necessarily) in that order. Talk with my son about his day, foot wrestle with the dog and sit in my favorite chair to watch DVR'ed episodes of my new favorite show, Supernatural. This is THE.BEST.SHOW.EVER. EVER!! I should state openly that my pop culture sensibilities are closer to that of  a 13 year old boy than a nearly 43 year old black woman, but that isn't meant to imply a lack of mass appeal this show has. I knew I would forever <3 this show when I saw this episode, Route 666. The show's creator, Eric Kripke hails from Ohio, my home state. Some of the best people I know are Buckeyes.

We've only recently started watching the show. I stumbled on it one day when I was playing hooky. They are onto season 7 and I'm not that far along yet. Basically, the two brothers are hunting evil. The show writers explore urban legends, cultural myths, religious prose, etc. The writing is witty and fresh. This type of show appeals to both me and my son. There are cultural references which he doesn't always get but he can appreciate the funny parts. In one episode, Dean and Sam were forced to play 80's TV cops. In another episode, a demon went back in time to save the Titanic. Why? I'll just say this demon and I both have an aversion to a particular Canadian songstress , eh?

Every episode features a balls out rock soundtrack of some classic rock legends. There are lots of Easter eggs in just about every episode. 

Did I mention Dean drives a '67 Impala? Beckie loves the muscle cars. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Celebrate the Autumnal Equinox: Create an original family tradition

My extended family celebrates traditional Christian holidays. We also recognize birthdays in one form or another. I love my family, but I feel like it's time we reconsider what and why we celebrate. Personally, I don't like holidays. Holidays bring up bad memories for me, particularly Christmas. Since having had kids, I've gotten alot better with it, but it will never be a favorite. I secretly yearn for the season I can pack my bags and take a solo cruise or flight to a tropical island and chillax with my Kindle and Chardonnay. I'd take the dog too if I could.  That to me would be a Christmas I'd love.

Now that I've typed this, I realize it sounds like I think my kids and my family are a bother. They really aren't; far from it. They bring me joy in ways I never thought possible. But it's a private mental space that I need to occupy and I can't do it with others physically present. I'm an only child; what can I say!

Date and time of solstices and equinoxes

Friday, August 19, 2011

My Name is What? My Name is Who?

So, I’ve spent the last few years of my life trying to re-create a sense of family or community for myself. It has not worked out as well as I would like. Since the divorce, I have felt untethered, sort of haphazard  toward those around me. I feel awkward. And not in a geeky, hipster (if those two words together make any sense), but in a misanthropic, apathetic way.

I have also been thinking about my death and what that will mean to those I leave behind. Let me be clear, I’m happy being alive. I would like to continue being alive for a long time. That said, at some time we are all going to die. And don’t want my life to be misrepresented by inaccurate, incomplete, stunted relationships. In other words, those who are left around me (if there are any), will have known me well enough to represent for me who I was. I worry that I share so little of myself with so few people, that when that event comes to pass, “I” won’t be there. The soror will be there, the ex-whatever will be there, the christian will be there, but none of those people are me.

So now, the question is, who will be there? And how can I make sure she shows up?

I know the daughter will be there. I am the daughter of the most amazing woman in the world. I am the granddaughter of the best grandfather a girl could have. I wished I would have recognized that sooner. And while I no longer have a relationship with my father, I did love him and I did what I could to help him love himself. I'm a good friend to those I care about. If you do me wrong, you're done. No do-overs, no mulligans. Toast. Which will probably means you won't be at my funeral anyway. And oh yeah, I rock hard as a mother.

So when one is confronted with this type of identify crisis, it is commonplace to wonder what all this means on Facebook. When I broke up with FB over a year ago, one of my reasons was that too many people I had little to no interaction with in any other way were my “friends”. I found this creepy and yet I would concern myself with their status updates like any other FB stalker. I mean, that IS what it’s for, right? When I decided to open another account, initially I was only using it for entertainment, news and shopping. Many businesses and organizations offer discounts, recipes, knitting patterns, etc via FB. But eventually I realized there really isn’t a more convenient way to share photos and stay updated with my “real-life” friends and family. So I added a handful of people I care about. But I still worried about FB bloat. I’d already made my page as private as I could; I even blocked certain friends from seeing some of the features. I’ve since even learned to remove annoying updates (which include but are not limited to messages directed toward Jesus and no one on FB or whatever you ate for lunch ) from my newsfeed. But my biggest worry is that someone who thinks they knew me from a previous life could FB find me. I don’t want to have to deny a friend request because I don’t want you all up in my feed. You don't know what you're getting into.

Most of my acquaintances don’t know my name is Beckie.They wouldn't necessarily recognize that as what I'm called. But my last name is fairly unique; so I felt I needed a quick-fast remedy.

I brainstormed a list of possible FB last names. Here we go:

Beckie Dontburnnochic
Beckie Roxursox
Beckie Dontcry
Beckie Rockstar
Beckie Risenshine
Beckie Breakitdown
Beckie Fangbanger
Beckie Allupinit
Beckie Weighsaton
Beckie O’Grindn
Beckie Sontheball
Beckie House
Beckie Beckie Beckie
Beckie Saysso
Beckie T5BP
 Beckie Sonherown
Beckie Datswhussup
Beckie Onaroll
Beckie Boogiesdown
Beckie Runswbigdawgs
Beckie Knowsthedeal
Beckie Dontbuyit
Beckie Savestheworld
Beckie Isonfb
Beckie Isthesause
Beckie Onblast
Beckie Blowurmind
Beckie Tinks
Beckie Bustacap
Beckie Supahot
Beckie Balln
Beckie Makeitwork
Beckie O. Beckie
Beckie Isonfire
Beckie Twopointo
Beckie Weckie

I'm going to start with the first one.

Bye Mom.

Peggy Lewis Page December 29, 1942 - April 25, 2014 My loving mother I'm at work typing this now. I can't be sad, at least...