Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Dear Hobby Lobby,

How are you? I am fine. I'm writing to say to you how much I hate you. I cringe when I pass by you. I wretch at the thought of having to go into your store. For a hobby store, your decor is insanely dull. Your wares are mediocre. Even your inventory is unreliable. You are grotesquely enormous; yet when I have no choice but to shop in your hellish store, you never have all I need. Why do you suck ass, HL? Why is your name so stupid? I'm not 5 years old, Hobby. Maybe think about a store name for shoppers who no longer fit in the front seat of a shopping cart.

Hobby Lobby, you're an asshole. You are an anus of craftware. The poor people who are stuck working for you know nothing useful related to crafts. I have yet to encounter a HL sales person who can say something besides, "I don't know." You don't train your staff, you don't give them decent equipment and they can't make any decisions. You set them up to suck as bad as you, and that's wrong. I feel sorry for people who have no choice but to shop in your store. Thank capitalism I have better choices.

You're not a lobby, you're a waste of space.

Fail, Hobbly Lobotomy, fail.

UPDATE: I did a search on hobby lobby fail and now I know why HL sucks. Because they're a bunch of right-wing, sanctimonious fundamentalist batshit crazy ignorant morons.

Hobby Lobby Owner Builds Bible Museum
Have a nice day!

Monday, December 5, 2011

What's for dinner?

Testing out my camera...doesn't this look yummy?! Sauteed chicken breast and a crunchy green salad. 

Bye Mom.

Peggy Lewis Page December 29, 1942 - April 25, 2014 My loving mother I'm at work typing this now. I can't be sad, at least...