Rebecca Walker wrote an essay that best describes how I feel about Michael and his unfortunate passing. "Michael’s music was a running soundtrack for my life," Walker says. I couldn't agree more. And how amazing is it, that so many others could easily make the same statement? A New Jersey housewife, a vegan seamstress in Southern California, a Finnish factory worker...Michael's influence has been worldwide, spanning ages, cultures, religions.
As a teen, I had MJ posters, magazines, t-shirts, buttons, stickers and drawings of Michael all over one half of my room. The other half was dedicated to Prince. As much as I love Prince, Michael was to me a true friend, a big brother, who no matter how he was treated, showed me a way to love. He sang of love in its many forms. But most often, he sang of universal love. The type of love that prompts me to smile when I see elderly black men because they remind me of my father and grandfather. Love that brightens my day when I see young children trying to figure out how they fit in this great big world.
In that very sad interview which led to accusations of child molestation, Michael said something profound. I don't think many people caught it; I didn't until someone explained it.
"The most loving thing you can do for someone is to share your bed with them."
If you consider that in the context of universal love, and not a sexual or a perverted sense, then Michael is absolutely right. My kids are not babies. But once in a while, one or both of them will creep in my room and snuggle with me. There aren't many other ways to show love that are as powerful as that. I don't believe MJ harmed those kids. I do believe his actions may have been inappropriate. However, ultimate blame for any harm or inappropriateness belongs to the parents of those children.
I've spoken to a few people who don't get it. They don't understand why so many others are affected by Michael's passing. Perhaps someone else wrote their life's soundtrack. If you don't know, you just don't know. But I'm glad I do.
The Untouchable Michael Jackson
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