I'd like to think I'm a firm believer of to each her own. Or his own. People do only what they think is in their best interest. With that said, I can't help but taste the salt in my mouth over the lack of messages in my online dating inbox! Cast a wide net, don't take it personally, yada yada yada. STFU self. After a head-swelling flurry of activity within the first two weeks, suddenly I hear crickets chirping when I check my mail. What happened? Why come ain't nobody push'n up on a sista?
I have my suspicions.
Scenario #1: I'm impatient. IwantwhatIwantwhenIwantit! Dammit!
Scenario#2: I reviewed my profile and found alot of NEGS. Well, not alot, about 4 to be exact. A NEG is a negatively-phrased comment, any sentence with no, not, dis-, anti-, ir- (unless you're from Cleveland and think irregardless is a word). It is no bueno to do this people. You can cover all that stuff later and in other more productive ways.
Scenario #3: The men who subscribe to this site generally suck.
Scenario #4: Umm, while making changes to my profile, I hid it and never turned it back on.
Which one scenario do you think occurred?