Friday, January 14, 2011

Recap My Life 2010

I know I'm late in posting this, but so what...this is my blog. This is a list of my favorite/interesting/intriguing things I came across in 2010.

1. Trilogy: The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played With Fire, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest by Steig Larsson
2. Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert

1. Moyenne
2. Sade, Soldier of Love
3. Erykah Badu
Honorable Mention: Kings of Leon - they continue to rock my uvula.

Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure:
1. Jersey Shore
2. Bridezillas
3. America's Next Top Model
Honorable Mention: Real World Road Rules: Gulag

1. Orange...I can never get enough of you.
2. Olive...What can I say, you're loyal.
3. Blue...We used to be so close; glad you're making a come back.
Honorable Mention: White...sometimes good, sometimes meh.

1. sexy bitch.
2. Water...we were doing much better together earlier in the year. What gives?

1. Red onion...sauteed or raw, it's just not the same without you.
2. scramble my eggs.
3. Leek...We need to get together more often.
Honorable mention: Fish...I just keep forgetting about you.

1. See #1 in Books. All three! Swedish versions rock!
2. Harry Potter #6...Different, but tasty.
3. Avatar...AKA Pocahantas In Space.
Honorable mention: See #1 Movie.

TV Shows:
1. Sons of Anarchy
2. Luther...I hope Idris Elba stays away from any more stupid Hollywood/Perry movies.
3. True Blood
Honorable Mention: Community

Wish List:
1. iPad
2. Nook
3. Kindle Update: My daughter gave me this for my birthday. She's a keeper.
I don't care if they are all the same. I want them.

1. Found a house closer to campus for a really good deal.
2. Craig's List

1. This has been the year of me saying so long to people who considered me their friend, while they were never my friend. Over and out.
2. Akron Meditation Group. I miss you.

Bye Mom.

Peggy Lewis Page December 29, 1942 - April 25, 2014 My loving mother I'm at work typing this now. I can't be sad, at least...