Part of the reason I was away from blogging for so long, is that I was in a stifling, one-sided relationship. Now that I'm out, I can't even remember what the attraction was about. My significant other, let's call him Kofe Cabo, for anonymity, somehow managed to manipulate all my time, whether I was at work, home, socializing with friends (in real life), at the doctor's office or even in traffic.
It got to the point where Kofe could get a hold of me anywhere. I should have realized things were headed in a wrong direction, when he began suggesting friends to me. At first, I was really flattered and excited! How cool it was to get reacquainted with long lost friends! But then I realized, hey, I don't really like some of these people that much, and they probably don't really like me either. That's probably why we didn't stay in touch in the first place. I think we all just got in over our heads.
But each time I connected with one friend, I wanted another and another! Kofe made it so easy. He even introduced me to people I barely knew, and before I realized it, they became my friends too! I became really confused. I would click through photos of people I didn't even know, just because I could. I'd make comments to complete strangers...again, just because I could. It was weird. It was like being trapped in some weird elevator and pretending you know everyone inside. I read updates of people I would never talk to, not because I didn't like them, but I just didn't know them! Things really started to spiral downward when FB started getting physical. He would poke me for no reason at all.
He made it so easy for me to lose myself to old addictions. I could manage my flair habit in the 80s; back then everybody was into it, so no big deal, right?. But, Kofe showed me how to make it myself--I'd spend hours searching for and taking other people's flair or stealing images for my own. I'd find myself sitting in the dark, arranging flair on my corkboard. Thank God I never tried anything stronger like Farmville or Bubbletown.
It was when the power when out during a rainstorm that I knew I had a problem. The cable went out and my phone app didn't show all the updates. And I was jonesing...jonesing bad for an update. I drove like a bat out of hell to the library. What was everyone doing? I had to know, I just had to know!!
It was then I realized I had to quit and fast. Working all day in front of a computer, there would be no step-down, no Kofethadone. It was unplug and stay unplugged. Forever.
Four weeks Mr. Kofe Cabo and I'm never going back. Like I said before, I can't even remember what the attraction was about.