Instead of the traditional portrait of Jesus, with MLK and John Kennedy on either side, I've got a poster of Obama in my living room. It's a nice candid shot, with smaller clips of more Obama art surrounding it. I have more Obama art featured here.
I came across this article and thought this artist explains it way better than I ever could:
"People undervalue the potential impact of art: It's different from what a slogan or a normal political logo can do. It has more of a depth, more of a connection." Shepard Fairey
Some of the art is super-campy; but alot of it is good. I hung the poster because Obama inspires me; I feel like my vote does make a difference--the yes we can motto stays present in my mind. And it's that feeling I want to sustain; not to say prayers to it or rub his photo for good luck.
I also don't agree with everything he does and says. But I do respect the presidency. And this term, I also respect the man.
Now, where should I hang the giant fork and spoon?