Friday, August 28, 2009

True or False?

This is from MilesPerHour:

You post five things about yourself. Four are true. One is untrue. All are so outlandish, implausible or ridiculous that no one would be inclined to believe that any of them are true. And despite the pleas from your readers, you never divulge which ones are true and which one is false.
  1. I shoplifted my way through college.
  2. I started driving at 12 years old.
  3. I used to hitchhike.
  4. As a youngster, I spat on people I didn't like.
  5. I was once arrested.
Umm, ok. So, I don't know how you "tag" someone through a blog, so...yeah, um, that's it!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Un-Food for the Month of September: Sugar

Green Ramadan is my friend on Facebook. Green is actually Badr Bakry (I think it's ironic his last name looks like bakery), author of Cleanse Your Life Now. His website describes him as a Mind-Body wellness practitioner, holistic nutrition specialist, international speaker and life coach. Job titles like life coach and bro.ker tend to turn me off, but his postings are just too much common sense to turn away.

I've included several postings here today because I want to be able to quickly refer to them when the lure of sugar starts gnawing at me (or me gnawing at it). I've heard all this stuff before, years of knowing better but too lazy to do better. There's no reason I can't be the healthiest I can be. I want that for my kids. Which ultimately means I have to be the model for them. Too much pwesha!!

So to that end, I'll be exploring sugar substitutes, listing foods and beverages I'm reducing to zero consumption. By the end of the month, I'll post where I am in this process. Since I'm allergic to follow-through, I'm setting the bar really low for myself. I'll be happy if I end the month will a suitable substitute for sweetening iced tea. I'll tackle caffeine in another month.

Wish me luck!

From Green Ramadan:
"Natural Sugar Alternatives: Raw honey & Stevia. Stevia is an herb native to South America, is now grown and cultivated throughout the world. Stevia is much sweeter than sugar but does not affect blood sugar levels, can be used for sweetening beve...rages and for baking. Stevia is easily digested, dissolves quickly and it is safe for diabetics. It has no calories or carbohydrates.

95% of people are addicted to sugar to some degree! Refined sugar is a pure chemical. In my opinion, it is like heroin, and even more of a threat because it’s legal and cheap. It’s a chemical that has been stripped through the refining process of all... the natural food nutrition that originally resided in the plant. Heroin and sugar are produced by very similar processes.

Refined sugar has absolutely no nutritional value whatsoever. It also robs the body of enzymes, minerals and vitamins, especially B-vitamins. Symptoms of B-vitamin deficiency include: fatigue, depression, anxiety, inability to concentrate, poor memory, insomnia and irregular heart beat."

Monday, August 24, 2009

I eat books!

PaperBack Swap - Best swap site IMO. Although you won't find everything you want here, the set up is nice and easy to use. No pressure to do more than you want; they don't clog up you're email with useless messages. The best thing is how easy it is to print the wrapping. PBS really helps you contain the mailing costs for books.

Swap Tree
Book Mooch - This site is international. You can't buy credits like you can on PBS.

I don't bother with the sites that charge a swap fee. And I don't do the exclusive academic swaps either. I've been able to find a decent selection of texts from PBS.

You can find me here and here.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Blogs O' The Moment

I've been reading some great blogs on dating. Well, maybe they're really more about living single. Dating (or not dating) would be a subset (eww, I'm at work, so I'm thinking statistically). Here are some links to blogs worth reading:

47 and starting over - Responds to the question, is it possible to still find that "happily ever after?"

Single & Blessed - Discusses dating, parenting & living single

Thunder From A Quiet Storm
- Talks about building trust and how it's manifested in relationships with children

One of the things I enjoy about blogging is reading about life from a variety of perspectives. Age, gender, and ethnicity all vary, but the universal connection of love (not in the romantic sense, but in the life giving sense) is what I think speaks to me. I learn alot about myself reading other people's blogs. I think it's helping me make sense of the world I've created in my head. I feel more confident when I make decisions on how I "feel" about something, which for me, is a combination of logic and emotion. When I think about bad/poor decisions I've made in the past about relationships and men, those choices usually came from either logic OR emotion. For me, an effective decision has to include both arenas. And not just about men, but about anything.

I'm learning I don't have to answer to anyone else's standard of living. But I do have to answer to mine. Thanks bloggers for giving me fuel to feed my thoughts and figure out my path.

Update on the Breakfast Song

I must have watched this video at least 10 times when it first crossed my path. Every now and then, I check it out because I just love their commitment and enthusiasm to what has to be the weirdest mash-up gospel song ever.

You Tuber, edearnest, posted this update back in February 2009:

"This song aired on The Mornin' Show, a local program carried by NBC affiliate WTVA in Tupelo, Mississippi. BREAKING NEWS: BREAKFAST SINGERS IDENTIFIED! This from Tom Joyners website The lady singer was interviewed on his March 13th show. In the clip, Minister Cleo Clariet and his fiancé Katherine Lane are shown singing on "The Kay Bain Show" in Tupelo, Mississippi in May or June of 2004. Clariet passed away from congenital heart disease on Dec. 13, 2004. Lane said he would have been thrilled to know his song is now entertaining so many people."

Thanks for Breakfast Cleo..RIP.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

T-Shirt of the Moment

I know my kids are glad this shirt wasn't around when they were babies!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

August Haiku

Your head's up your ass.
If you pull it out quickly,
you'll see me go by!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

One Day At A Time

I wrote this as a post on 43 Things. I'm featuring it here because I really like the way it reads. I had to re-read it several times just to make sure I actually wrote it. I kept thinking, did I write that? I'm impressed with myself..good stuff kid-o! I'll comment on the content of this entry smuthertime!

12 months ago - July 2008

So far so good! Although I’ve tried this before, I’ve never really stuck to it. I think it’s because I really didn’t want to accept that I would have to or need to do such a thing. My occasional weekend wine sipping somehow turned into a nightly ritual. I would have anywhere from 2 to 4 glasses. Weekends I could spend the whole afternoon sipping on a glass.

Why did I not think this was a big deal at first? Because everybody does that, right? What else is there to do when you’re home doing chores, preparing meals and coordinating this, that and the other? Besides, a glass of wine (or 3) would relieve my headache/boredom/nerves.

So this time, I’m all about right now. Right now, I’m 2 days sober, working on 3. My dog has helped me understand the zen-inspired philosophy of being in the now. It’s amazing the difference. And yes, I recognize it after just 2 days.

I feel physical discomfort from not drinking daily. My stomach is in knots, I can’t eat anything and I still have a headache. But that will go away (please God) after a while. I take comfort in knowing that my kids don’t see Mom with yet another glass of wine in her hand, I have some stamina to exercise in the form or twice daily walks with my dog, and I go to bed much earlier.

To sum it all up, if you want to slow up or stop drinking altogether, I can share with you 4 things that have worked for me. One, tell someone. It doesn’t have to be someone close to you. Even better. Tell someone who is not dependent on you for anything. That way, they are totally objective about it. Me…well, I’m telling you. Second, turn off the tv, or whatever it is that keeps you from getting off the couch or out of the bed. This leads to the third activity; exercise. Don’t waste money on a gym if that’s your excuse. Just walk. You don’t even have to walk quickly. Just get outside and walk somewhere. Can’t go to far from home? Walk a short distance twice, three times in a row. Just move your body. You’ve got to replace your drinking time with something to keep your body occupied.

Finally, the last best thing you can do for yourself is to get a pet. I happen to think dogs are awesome as a sobriety tool because you have to take the dog out, you have to wake up in the morning, you have to train your dog to behave in the house. However, if you’re not a pet person, don’t bother. You either are one or not. Don’t suffer the pet for your cures.

Bye Mom.

Peggy Lewis Page December 29, 1942 - April 25, 2014 My loving mother I'm at work typing this now. I can't be sad, at least...