Wha...you don't have a checklist? A set of minimum requirements for potential suitors? Shame on you...this list is a must have. Maybe you just haven't taken the time to (flesh or flush) this out, but somewhere in the back of your mind, this list exists. Be careful though, especially those of you hell-bent on marriage as penultimate goal for dating. Your dating checklist should really just be used as a screening tool, a way to maximize the time you're spending getting to know others. Deciding whether you want to cultivate a friendship is a much different choice than choosing a life partner. Even I'll admit a checklist for marriage is probably not the best way to go to make such a life changing decision (although it could be a useful starting place).
Here's how a dating checklist works. Consider the activities you do and who you interact with. Recall some of your most special friendships, memorable occasions, meaningful conversations. It's these kinds of events that obviously hold meaning for you. Your potential new friend (PNF) should be someone who engages in similar activities. The best predictor for future behavior is past behavior.
I recently met someone who never uses instant messaging...ever. In his opinion, technology is the reason for poor communication between men and women. Can you picture the stink face I gave when I heard that? If it weren't for IM, I wouldn't be able to maintain some of the relationships I have. Technology doesn't kill communication, people do. Think choosing to not date someone because they don't chat online is silly or superficial? Could be. But in my world, the intention, not the action is what's most important. Sometimes talking on the phone just isn't practical for me. And fortunately, there are now other ways to interact that are less intrusive than having to talk aloud to someone who isn't actually in front of you (courtesy of Eddie Griffin).Take a peak at my screening checklist:
Non-Negotiable Requirements for Screening Potential Partners
- Technologically astute, computer savvy
- Financially literate and responsible
- Active, healthy lifestyle
- Ecologically aware, pet friendly
- Appreciates all races, creeds, orientations
- Faith and belief that we have the power to control our own destiny
- Respect for the divine in me
- Sense of humor
- Believes in the essential goodness of his chosen profession, avocation
- Acts with integrity and transparency
- Has my best interest at heart
- Mad skills when it comes to putting in work!
- Remember, lists are sexy!