* New cell phone - For the longest time I've been whining about how I miss my smartphone, my Palm Treo. But in my quest to purge unnecessary/frivolous items/people from my life, I've realized a smartphone is not what I need. It certainly doesn't meet the SIWEML test, and I just don't want to be that efficient anymore. But what I do want is a CUTE phone! I want a phone that has colors and creatively placed buttons and has moveable parts. If I were an engineer, I would design a phone that looked like jewelry...the earpiece would be an earring or ear charm, the microphone would be embedded in a necklace. You could have a bracelet as a key pad. In my world, all this looks very chic and well-functioning. Watch, someone will build it.
* Rolling briefcase - I don't travel much for my job, but when I do, I want to look like I know what I'm doing. So now I want a briefcase that has an extended handle and rolls. Hmmm. This may be edited later and filed under Stuff I Buy and Never Use. Note to self: rethink the Landrollers too.